Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Modifed Karyidakis Procedure for treatment of PIlonidal Sinus Day 4-8

The wound is healing well, although I am feeling a bit crazy staying at home this whole time. I continue to have little to no pain and can even lie on my back i bed relatively comfortably. I can now sit for short periods, albeit only able to sit forward and not completely onto the buttocks.

I saw the surgeon on Day 7 and was told that everything was healing well and no signs of infection at all. He said the operation findings were pretty standard and that there's a 3 percent chance of the pilonidal sinus recovering. I am told to see him again in 2 months and to continue putting steri strips on the wound for the next week or so. If it occurs again next time, he said the incision will have to be made very close to the anus. That didn't sound very pleasant at all. I pray to God that this will be the last operation I'll ever need for this problem!

Rather than posting a picture of my wound healing progress on the blog which can be a bit graphic, I have added a link to the picture instead for all those who are interested.


  1. Hi there

    I also have the same condition and am currently in the midst of a painful flare. I live in Melbourne too and was hoping you could provide the details of the surgeon. Also have you had any issues since? Thanks for sharing your story.


    1. Hi Tash, my doctor is Dr LP Cheah-http://www.melbournesurgery.com/dr-lp-cheah.html
      It's been 3 years post operation and I've had no recurrence of the pilonidal sinus. I highly recommend this surgery. Good luck!

    2. Thank you so much. I have an appointment with Dr Cheah on Monday. Fingers crossed I have the same success as you!
